Introducing the University : Background and History

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Background of Nakhon Phanom University

Nakhon Phanom University is a state university which has been institutionalized and restructured by the integrations of various colleges and schools. The University has been officially established since September 2, 2005 under Nakhon Phanom University Act, published in the Government Gazette Vol. 122, Part 75A, dated 1st September, 2005. Article 4 of the act provided that Nakhon Phanom University is constituted with Nakhon Phanom Rajabhat University, Mahasarakham University Nakhon Phanom Campus, Nakhon Phanom Technical College, Nakhon Phanom College of Agriculture and Technology, Thatphanom Industrial and Community Education College, Nawa Industrial and Community Education College, and Boromarajonani College of Nursing. As a result, Nakhon Phanom University is a legal entity and is part of the government working under the Office of the Higher Education Commission. 

According to the varieties of institutional structure, Nakhon Phanom University is very unique and different to other universities in Thailand because it offers various types of study including short-term courses and vocational certificate programs, with various types of curriculums, as well as degree and non-degree programs. 


Self-Development, Awareness, Social Services


University of socio-Cultural Diversity Creation


Well-rounded in Languages, Technological Specialization, Public Consciousness, Working Skills


Nakhon Phanom University is the leader of socio-cultural diversity’ creation in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries. 


1.To design the curriculum and develop human resources who are are knowledgeable and ethical in the contexts of socio-cultural diversity in the GMS countries

2.To conduct research and develop innovations and important knowledge that are substantial for sustainable growth occurring in all sectors 

3.To provide academic services and be the leader in applying knowledge for developing sustainability in the Greater Mekhong Subregion countries 

4.To support, sustain and promote arts and culture for social integrations and neighborhood living in the GMS countries. 

5.To manage the university administration with good governance.

Strategy :

Strategy 1: To be an academic center of the  Greater Mekhong Subregion

1.1 To develop or provide the outstanding and acceptable courses in social development, economic and cultures of the middle Greater Mekhong Subregion,

1.2 To organize the teaching and learning system and develop Students’ activities proficiently,

1.3 To build up a good relationship with alumni.

Strategy 2 :  To construct researches and innovations to propel and push the university towards the innovation university and Thailand 4.0

2.1 To proficiently develop the system of research and innovations administration,   

2.2 To develop the researchers’ capability,

Stratergy3: To provide the academic services for building the strengthen to the communities and social. 

3.1 To promote and provide academic services to respond the needs of the community residing in the middle of the Greater Mekhong Sub region.

3.2 To provide the public specific academic services such as to open the career skills center, capacity center and other testing centers.

Strategy 4: Good governance

4.1 To develop the proficient finance strategies, 

4.2 To develop the system of the quality and modern management. 

4.3 To develop the information technology system to covers all administration,   strategies to be accurate, fast and up-to-date, 

Strategy 5: To increase the staffs’ potential and capacity

5.1 To plan and direct manpower and build up the motivation to be suitable for all strategies,

5.2 To reinforce the capacity and skills to increase the staffs’ proficiency at all level,

5.3 To progress all the staffs’ field.

Strategy 6: To develop information technology system for inside and outside communication to publicize and project the university’s image

6.1 To develop inside communication to build up the organization’s image,

6.2  Outside organization communication

Strategy 7: To develop the fundamental structure of the physical and environment

7.1 To develop the fundamental structure of the physical and environment to provide for working and teaching,

Main Value




(NPU : Nakhon Phanom University staffs are networking, pool and unity)

University Emblem


University’s emblem is a brown drop of water which including Phra That Phanom Pagoda on a lotus flower. In the base of Phra That Phanom Pagoda, there are four directions doors on the three blue wave lines. There are seven lotus flowers drawing inside Phra That Phanom Pagoda. All of them are in an ellipse of the water drop style with two golden yellow ovals. There are two ears of rice on each side of the ovals Beneath the emblem is the brown  lion shaped pedestal curved by water drop shaped and the university’s name in Thai and English "NAKHON PHANOM UNIVERSITY".

Emblem Meaning:

A drop of water means a drop of water that combines and became a river, which is similar to the combination of each academy became Nakhon Phanom University. Brown is the Province’s color, golden yellow is the university’s color.

Phra That Phanom on a lotus refers to worship Phra That Phanom, which is the symbol of Nakhon Phanom and represents virtue combination and soul of every society and all people combine together.

The gates of the four directions can be defined as the educational gate that provides people’s opportunities in seeking knowledge.

Three waves of blue water means the Mekong River, which is the international river that flows constantly which is similar to the providing of educational opportunity to people of all nations.

Seven Lotus Flowers is a pattern in Phra That Phanom which is a symbol of virtue and the number of flowers that are equivalent to seven Academy that combine together as Nakhon Phanom University.

Golden ears of rice mean the growth and integration to achieve the success of the operation on behalf of Nakhon Phanom University.

The lion shaped pedestal means the stability and sustainability of Nakhon Phanom University.

The size of the Emblem is 3.5 cm. width with 4 cm. height

Symbolic Color

Golden Yellow

Symbolic Flower

Tempusu (Fagraea fragrans)

Tempusu is a flower blooms in cluster in the end of each brunch. The color of flower is light yellow. The smell is good. There are five green petal in each flower which usually blossoms in April to June.

Buddha Image of University

Phar Bhuttha Phittaya Monkol was named by Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. The meaning of the name is the Buddha image that composed with prosperity of knowledge.  The posture of the Buddha is the attitude of meditation in brass casting modal. The size is 1.2 meter Buddha lapel. It is designed by The National Artist; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pinyo Suwankiri