Teaching and Learning : Graduate Curriculums

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🔰 Apply for Graduate Curriculums🔰


Graduate Curriculums



Faculty of Education


Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science

🔰 Apply for Ph.D. Curriculums🔰


Graduate Curriculums


    1)Faculty of Education


Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science

  •              FIRST: Applications will be accepted until 29 February 2024.      

                          📝(Apply Through Website or Apply With (Faculty / College) in Regular Office Hours.) 


          🏩  Office of Education Guidance , ☎️ Tel :  +66 0 4253 2525
                          Email : admissionnpu@npu.ac.th , LINE Official Account :  @tvi0404d
    •        👉 
    • Graduate Programs
    •  Ph.D Programs

    • (Kotchaphat Manthanalak:  maneerak@npu.ac.th)

      🏫  One Stop Service Student Center, ☎️ Tel :  +66 6 3047 8349Email : npuossc@npu.ac.th