Study Application : Information for Study Application

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  • Study Application : Information for Study Application

🔰 Apply for Vocational Certificate Curriculum ( Voc. Cert. ) 🔰

🔰 Apply for Diploma/High Vocational Certificate ( Dip. / High Voc. Cert. ) 🔰

 First Admission : 15 September 2023 - 15 March 2024

✅ ✅ Second Admission : 06 January 2024 - 18 February 2024 


🔰 Apply for Bachelor's Degree🔰


Diploma/High Vocational Certificate ( Dip. / High Voc. Cert. )



Undergraduate Level 


 Bachelor's Degree (TCAS) :

          - TCAS 1 PORTFOLIO (1.1-1.4)Applications will be accepted until 30 January 2024. 

            Quota to Promote morality and ethics, and social responsibilityApplications will be accepted until 18 February 2024. 

            - Quota to guidance teacher: Applications will be accepted until 29 February 2024. 

            - TCAS 2 QUOTAApplication period From 19 February to 7 April, 2024.

 Undergraduate Level (Transfered and Two Years Continuation) :

          - FIRSTApplications will be accepted until 15 March 2024. 


🔰 Apply for Graduate Curriculums🔰

🔰 Apply for Ph.D. Curriculums🔰

         FIRST: Applications will be accepted until 29 February 2024.      

                  📝(Apply Through Website or Apply With (Faculty / College) in Regular Office Hours.) 


 🏥    Contact Information : Admission and Registration office, ☎️ Tel :  +66 0 4253 2525

    🏩     Office of Education Guidance , ☎️ Tel :  +66 0 4253 2525
                       Email : , LINE Official Account :  @tvi0404d

  🏫   One Stop Service Student Center, ☎️ Tel :  +66 6 3047 8349Email :